Dec 30, 2014

S N E A K E R - J U N K I E

It's always pretty satisfying to go thrifting and find a pair of dope sneakers. I've wanted a pair of nike air max's for some time now and I was happy when I found these cool vintage ones at a thrift shop close to home. Apparently this tote is from a high school in my area as well. It's always fun to see what you'll find when you dig around in a thrift store. Feeling  the matching top and bottom trend lately. It's a grey kind of day.

XOXO, Laurel

Nike Air Max's: thrifted | Skirt: F21 | Sports bra: thrifted | Coat: thrifted | Tote: thrifted 

Dec 25, 2014

L I T T L E - B L A C K - D R E S S

There's something about a little black dress that makes me want to travel to the city. I guess it's ironic that these photos were taken in the middle of nowhere in a tiny little town. The low back and straps couldn't keep me away. I wanted to do something different than your typical little black dress, so I decided to pair it with this thrifted bomber gem. Sporty and classic vibes all around.

XOXOX, Laurel

Dress: F21 | Bomber: thrifted | Backpack: thrifted | Shoes: gifted
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Dec 17, 2014

C A M E L - & - W O O L

Starting this fashion blog is something I've had in mind since high school, but never put the time and effort into creating. I can remember being fascinated by clothing and trends ever since my mom would take me with her to shop for dresses when I was a little girl. Patiently sitting for hours in the dressing room I would call out my recommendations and disapproval. "No, I don't like that color," I would chime from my chair "I like the flowers on this one." Now entering into my third year of college, I figured it's about time I pursued something I love to do in my free time. If anything I would describe my personal style as classic with a modern, quirky twist. Rarely do I spend large sums of money on clothing, with the exception of splurge pieces of course. Here is my fashion journey, and a tiny glimpse into my world. Enjoy

XOXOXX - Laurel

There's nothing quite like winter in Texas, simply because it hardly exists. Yet, for those few short months of blissful cold walks to campus, I can't help but call it my favorite season, second of course to Fall. Winter in Texas allows me to wear lovely things like this camel coat while sporting an entirely impractical sweater dress with stockings. Chic and simple. Sometimes it's nice to feel sophisticated for no particular reason.

Coat: thrifted | Turtleneck sweater dress: thrifted | Stockings: Target | Loafers: F21 | Purse: Target